

Floristería Sibilla

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Flores bonitos pero servicio malo

22 de julio de 2019

Piña Colada

Utilicé este servicio en mi boda:

¿Lo recomiendas?

David and his team are outstanding professionals. They are unrivalled in their field and deserve every award that photography can offer.

We had visited a few photographers before Piña Colada, but none of them compared. His professionalism, flexibility and resilience is admirable and I have never met someone who works so hard. David is arguably the greatest wedding photographer (artist) in Europe.

Ours was not a normal wedding, as we were getting married in London (Indian wedding) and in Barcelona (Spanish wedding). David was intrigued by the thought of documenting both weddings and instantly shared our vision. As an artist, he recognised the value of documenting a Sikh wedding, as it was something he had never done before. An Indian wedding is complex, chaotic and much longer than a Spanish wedding, so it would be a completely new experience for him.

And he was a natural. He was in all of the right places at all of the right times and did not need any direction. It was like seeing an artist in his own world and the quality and excellence of his photography is a true reflection of this.

On the henna evening, he was only expected to shoot for an hour or two, but stayed and documented the entire evening. The following day he was joined by his fantastic videographer, Arantxa, who flew all the way from Portugal to document our wedding. She paid excellent attention to detail and was genuinely fascinated by our traditions. Unfortunately, she injured herself during the event, but never complained and was ready to shoot the following day.

The wedding day was a brand new experience for Piña Colada as the religious wedding took place in a temple. Sikh weddings must take place before midday, so it we had a very early start (7am). David and Arantxa began shot my hair and makeup, the entire ceremony and my departure from my house. This was a significant moment because unlike Spanish weddings, the bride throws the rice, to symbolise her leaving her family.

The Spanish wedding took place at Can Marial in Sant Vicenç de Montalt, which Piña Colada were more familiar with. This time there were two videographers, one to document the bride and groom and one to document the general atmosphere. They worked at great ease and honestly made our wedding look like a hollywood movie! We particularly enjoyed our mini-shoot in the gardens, as we felt like total celebrities!

But the icing on top of the cake was the fact that he had sent us 135 retouched photos the day after the wedding! This really helped soften the wedding blues and our family and friends were blown away by his efficiency and excellence.

The beauty of Piña Colada is that they immerse themselves in the weddings and events. They do not photograph the event, but document it and tell you a story through their eyes and there is no greater feeling than knowing that you will be able to keep these memories forever.

David is a true artist and I would not have chosen any other photographer in the world to have documented our weddings. Here's to many more Indian weddings for David!   We are so grateful and will never forget what Piña Colada achieved at our weddings :)

18 de julio de 2019

Rosa Clará Novia - Barcelona

Utilicé este servicio en mi boda:

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Siempre quise un vestido único, uno que nadie había usado antes, con una tela que fuera inusual. Traté de conseguir una cita durante meses en Rosa Clara, pero no recibí llamadas telefónicas ni respuestas por correo electrónico. Así que probé suerte con la venta de muestra a finales de mayo y, por suerte, logré una cita. Nunca había estado en una venta de muestra y todavía no había elegido un vestido un mes antes de la boda, así que estaba empezando a sentirme un poco nerviosa.

Me había probado más de 35 vestidos en Pronovias y otras tiendas, pero no sentía que ninguno de ellos fuera lo suficientemente impresionante, así que no podía comprometerme a comprar uno.

Cuando llegué a Rosa Clara para mi cita a las 12 de la noche, me saludaron de inmediato y me mostraron mi selección de vestidos de mi talla. Nos permitieron elegir 5 vestidos y yo había elegido el que me llamó la atención. Tan pronto como vi mi vestido supe que sería la única. Ni siquiera tuve que probarlo. Probé a los demás solo por diversión, pero este estaba siempre en mi mente. Pesaba una tonelada, pero saber que era la única en el mundo me hacía querer más. Tan pronto como lo probé, supe que me iría a casa con este vestido. ¡Era puro glamour de hollywood! Me imaginé caminando por el pasillo y me sentí como una celebridad total.

Necesitaba tener dos accesorios porque el interior me picaba un poco y la longitud necesitaba un acortamiento. El sastre era increíble y lo hacía encajar como un guante. Pedí que se apretara y les tomó horas arreglarlo porque estaba hecho solo de lentejuelas.

No podía esperar para recogerlo el día antes de la boda y, honestamente, no podía esperar para ponerme frente a toda mi familia y amigos. Era el vestido de novia blanco más hermoso que jamás había visto. ¡Elegante y con clase!

22 de julio de 2019